Benefits of NDIS Gardening and Lawn Mowing Services for People with Disabilities

NDIS Gardening and Lawn Mowing Services

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Working in the garden and watching things grow is an enjoyable and relaxing pastime for many people. Even if you are unable to work in your garden due to your disability, you may enjoy having a well-kept garden as part of your home.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been a significant development in the Australian disability sector. Its aim is to provide support to Australians with disabilities to improve their quality of life and enable them to participate fully in society. One of the services that the NDIS funds are gardening and lawn mowing services for people with disabilities. In this blog, we will discuss the NDIS core support and gardening, funding for gardening services and the benefits of NDIS gardening and lawn mowing services for people with disabilities. 


Funding from the NDIS for gardening services 

You may be able to use your NDIS funding to pay for gardening services if your disability makes it difficult for you to maintain your garden or manage tasks around your yard. 

The NDIS will fund supports that it deems reasonable and necessary in relation to your disability and goals. Because each NDIS participant’s plan is unique, the specifics of what is covered vary from person to person. 

In general, if you are unable to maintain your garden on your own due to your disability, gardening services that are reasonable and necessary for you to live a normal life and relate to your NDIS goals should be funded. However, regardless of your disability, if a task requires a specialist, such as a landscape gardener, to install a water feature, it will not be covered by the NDIS. 


Gardening and NDIS Core Supports 

The NDIS ‘Core Supports Budget’ includes a category called ‘Assistance with Daily Life‘. This category is intended to assist you with routine daily tasks that will allow you to live as independently as possible. This category includes assistance with garden maintenance, regardless of whether you rent or own your home. 

Once approved, core support funding is reasonably flexible, so as long as it complies with NDIS regulations, you can use it, however you see fit.

Services vary depending on your circumstances because each NDIS plan is tailored to the individual but typically includes the following: 

  • Mowing the lawn 
  • Pruning 
  • Mulching 
  • Weed removal 
  • Gutter maintenance 
  • Edging and trimming 

Although you can use your NDIS funding to cover the cost of a gardening service, you will still be responsible for the cost of plants, mulch, and soil if necessary. 


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How to Start a Gardening Service 

First of all, choose the services you believe your garden will require and how frequently you believe they will be required. If you already have a service provider like Auspire Care, you can ask them to assist you in developing a garden maintenance schedule that meets your needs and requirements. List the tasks you want to be completed and when you want them completed. Depending on the size of your garden, you may require basic or more comprehensive services, such as one-time clean-ups or regular maintenance. 

You can use your own preferred gardener if you are self-managing your NDIS plan if they have an Australian Business Number and can provide you with an invoice for any work completed. Work out a service agreement with them, outlining a schedule and cost, and see if they’re willing to offer a discount for regular service. Keep in mind that the NDIS will only pay a certain amount per hour for gardening services. 

Some of the Benefits of NDIS Gardening and Lawn Mowing Services

Maintaining a garden and a lawn can be a challenging task for people with disabilities. Gardening requires physical exertion, and it can be difficult for people with disabilities to maintain their gardens and lawn. The NDIS recognise this challenge and provides funding for gardening and lawn mowing services. Here are some of the benefits of NDIS gardening and lawn mowing services: 


1. Improved physical health 

Gardening and lawn mowing are physically demanding tasks that require strength, endurance, and flexibility. For people with disabilities, gardening and lawn mowing can be a great way to improve their physical health. By engaging in gardening and lawn mowing activities, people with disabilities can improve their muscle strength and flexibility. This can help them with daily activities such as dressing and bathing. 


2. Improved mental health 

Gardening and lawn mowing can have a positive impact on mental health. Research has shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. For people with disabilities, gardening and lawn mowing can provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose. It can also provide an opportunity to socialize with others and reduce social isolation. 


3. Increased independence 

Gardening and lawn mowing can help people with disabilities to become more independent. By learning how to maintain their garden and lawn, people with disabilities can develop new skills and gain confidence. This can lead to increased independence in other areas of their life, such as cooking and cleaning. 


4. Access to fresh produce 

Gardening can provide people with disabilities access to fresh produce. By growing their fruits and vegetables, people with disabilities can have access to fresh and healthy food. This can help them to maintain a healthy diet and improve their overall health. 


5. Improved community engagement 

Gardening and lawn mowing services can provide an opportunity for people with disabilities to engage with their community. By hiring a gardening service, people with disabilities can meet and interact with the gardeners. This can help them to feel connected to their community and reduce social isolation. 


6. Improved home aesthetics 

Maintaining a garden and lawn can improve the aesthetics of a home. This can improve the quality of life of people with disabilities by providing a pleasant and enjoyable environment to live in. It can also increase the value of their home, which can be beneficial if they decide to sell their home in the future. 


7. Environmental benefits 

Maintaining a garden and lawn can have environmental benefits. Gardens can help to reduce carbon emissions by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They can also help to reduce water runoff and erosion by absorbing rainwater. This can help to improve the local environment and contribute to a sustainable future. 


8. Cost-effective 

Hiring a gardening and lawn mowing service can be a cost-effective option for people with disabilities. By hiring a gardening service, people with disabilities can save money on gardening equipment and tools. It can also save them time and energy, which can be better spent on other activities. 


9. Safety 

Gardening and lawn mowing can be dangerous tasks if not performed correctly. Hiring a gardening service can ensure that these tasks are performed safely. The gardening service will have the necessary equipment and tools to perform the tasks safely. They will also have the expertise and knowledge to perform the tasks correctly. 


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How Can Garden Maintenance Services Help People with Disabilities? 

As we mentioned earlier that if you are living with a disability, then activities such as Garden Maintenance can be difficult and time-consuming. Spending some time in nature, absorbing vitamin D from the sun, and breathing in the fresh air has significant health benefits and are essential for all of us. A well-kept and even blooming garden can make a significant difference in someone’s life, especially if they have physical limitations, mobility limitations, or their garden is a place where they enjoy spending time. 

Like everyone, people with disabilities also enjoy their gardens or gardening time. Unfortunately, your disability may prevent you from properly caring for your plants. Garden Maintenance Services can handle the heavy lifting, ensuring that your outdoor space is a vibrant, well-maintained oasis for you to enjoy for years to come. 


How can Auspire Care help you?

Auspire Care is an NDIS support provider. That is, we go above and beyond to ensure that your garden is a place where you can thrive and enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.

People choose to work with us because:

  • We have experience and empathy, and we will do everything possible to improve your quality of life.
  • We build relationships with our clients and provide personalised service, determining what your vision for your outdoor space is and how we can collaborate to make it a reality.
  • When determining which services will best suit you, we will take your personal needs into account.
  • We are dependable, punctual, and communicative.

We can assist you in navigating the NDIS process as a registered NDIS provider. Click here to contact our helpful staff. Alternatively, you can view our full range of disability supports by clicking here.



Our Services

  • Aged (Home) Care
  • Disability Care
  • Support Coordination
  • Core Supports and Capacity Building Support
  • NDIS Household Task
  • NDIS Gardening Services

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