Palliative care is a type of specialized medical care for those living with severe diseases such as cancer or heart failure.
Patients in palliative care may get medical therapy for their symptoms as well as treatment to cure their terrible illnesses.
In this blog, we will look into a detailed explanation of Palliative care.
What exactly is Palliative Care?
Palliative care is humanistic, patient-centred healthcare that combines medical, emotional, and other supporting services for individuals who are dealing with the effects of a serious disease.
Palliative care is also known as “hand-holding,” but the topic entails much more than that.
As per WHO (World Health Organization)
” Palliative Care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.”
Who is palliative care suitable for?
Palliative care can be suitable for people of any age, including children. It helps anyone who has a serious illness that has fewer chances of cure or healing.
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Goals of Palliative care
Palliative care’s major goal is to enhance the patient’s and family’s quality of life by relieving pain and other painful symptoms.
This palliative care blends the psychological and spiritual components of patient care and meets the needs of patients and their families.
Furthermore, palliative care focuses on grief counselling, improves the quality of life, and aims to have a beneficial impact on the course of sickness.
Is there any difference between end-of-life care and Palliative Care?
People have a question, “ Are end-of-life care and palliative care the same?” The answer is
No! End-of-life care and palliative care aren’t the same.
The goal of end-of-life care is to control the pain and other symptoms of a patient who is almost in the very last stage o life; end-of-life care ensures patient comfort as far as possible.
In contrast, Palliative care’s main purpose is to improve the patient’s and family’s quality of life by reducing pain and other uncomfortable symptoms of an ongoing condition.
End-of-life care is broad and includes palliative care, supportive care, and hospice care.
More about the end-of-life care plan
End-of-life care plan offers treatment and support for people who have extremely less time on Earth. This care plan usually focuses on comfortable living for people who are thought to be in the last stage of their life.
An end-of-life care plan also helps such individuals to make wills or get their last wishes to fulfilled.
Is Palliative Care and Hospice the Same?
Hospice( A kind of end of life care) offers comfort care without curative intent. To add more to hospice care, the patient no longer has curative options or chooses not to pursue treatment because the side effects are getting bigger than the benefits.
Palliative care, although an end-of-life care option, is unlike hospice, and it is given to people who opt to receive treatment that tries to cure their illness while getting care.
The Principles of Palliative Care
There are 6 principles of Palliative care. Let’s first look into the list:
Principle 1: Care is focused on the patient, family, and caregiver.
Principle 2:Care is delivered based on need.
Principle 3: Patients, families, and caregivers have access to local and networked resources that fit their requirements.
Principle 4: Care is based on evidence, is clinically and culturally safe and is effective.
Principle 5: Care is integrated and coordinated
Principle 6: Care is equitable.
Let’s look into the principles of palliative care in detail.
Principle 1: Care is centred on the patient, family, and caregiver.
In this patient, family and carer are actively involved in all aspects of care. Patients, families and carers are ‘partners’ in the decision-making for the patient’s healthcare.
Principle 2: Care is based on need.
“People’s needs change”, and so do the needs of the patient, family and carer. Thus, to cover that need, needs-based care and Regular assessment are done to describe their changing needs over time.
Principle 3: Patients, families, and caregivers have access to local and networked resources that fit their requirements.
Here, care is offered so that people can have access to high-quality services and supports that will match their needs, desires, and circumstances.
Decisions concerning care will be made with a thorough knowledge of the patient’s, family’s, and caregiver’s desires.
Principle 4: Care is based on evidence, is clinically and culturally safe and is effective.
Under this principle, people obtain health care without suffering an avoidable injury, and they receive evidence-based care.
Principle 5: Care is integrated and coordinated.
Here, people are kept at the centre of care and offered full assistance for persons with complex needs and allowing them to get care when and when they need it.
Principle 6: Care is equitable.
Here, equity means that patients, families, and caregivers have equal access to accessible care for equal needs and equal quality of treatment.
Elements of palliative home care
There are 6 essential elements of Palliative homecare.
Listed are the elements.
- Integrated teamwork
- Management of pain and physical symptoms
- Holistic care
- Caring, compassionate, and skilled providers
- Timely and responsive care
- Patient and family preparedness.
What are the Stages of palliative care in Australia?
There are 5 stages of Palliative Care. Each stage provides various medical, emotional, and psychological support services.
These steps are:
Stage 1: Stable [ It includes developing and implementing a care plan ]
A palliative care plan is for a client’s condition and this is developed by a Health Professional in collaboration with any other specialists who will be engaged in the care journey.
During this phase, healthcare experts review all areas of the care plan to ensure the client’s independence.
Stage 2: Unstable [ Here, Adjusting the Care Plan & Preparing Emotionally is focused]
If a patient’s symptoms worsen or new medical concerns emerge, the palliative care expert team review the treatment plan and changes any palliative care services.
During this time, the palliative care team works together and prepares everyone for what is to come. Individuals and their families are provided with emotional and mental care.
Stage 3: Deteriorating [ Patients are shifted to end of life-Care ]
It covers transitioning to end of life care because patients in this situation have deteriorating general health and bodily functions due to serious medical disorders.
The palliative care team take into account the individual receiving treatment, including symptom alleviation and management.
Stage 4: Terminal [ It includes Symptom Management, Emotional & Spiritual Care ]
In this stage, most patients are near the end of their life, and the primary focus is to ensure that the affected individual continues to be as comfortable as possible.
Terminal care will include substantial physical and medical care provided in the loved one’s home or hospital.
Stage 5: Bereavement [Supporting grieving for Family Members, Loved Ones & Carers ]
In the last stage of palliative care, a patient has passed on, and a loved one’s death brings devastation to the family. The focus of the care plan has shifted to giving assistance to family members, loved ones, and caregivers in a variety of grief situations.
Community Palliative Care Services vs In-Home Palliative Care
One of the special palliative care services is community palliative care. In this, palliative care nursing, allied health, respite and practical support, complex symptom and pain management, access to medical review and assessment in peoples’ homes, etc., are provided.
Talking about, the In-home palliative care approach has the goal of providing a good lifestyle with peace of mind for the family.
In-home palliative caregiver care saves your loved ones within the home environment and avoids going to a nursing home or other long-term care facilities.
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Is Palliative Care covered by NDIS(National Disability Insurance Scheme)?
No! NDIS DOES NOT provide Sub-acute care, including palliative care, end-of-life care and geriatric care.
Along with this, people have the question, “Does the NDIS provide support for participants who have a palliative care plan in place? “
To this, the answer is :
An NDIS participant who has a palliative care plan in place and is not hospitalised, then NDIS will fund the support required as a direct result of the disability.
This support assists the participant in undertaking activities of daily living.
Why choose Auspire Care for Palliative Care in Australia?
Auspire Care offers high-quality palliative care for all Australians who need it. Furthermore, we offer aged care and disability care health. Under our aged care, we are offering Personal, Domestic, Health & Respite, and Palliative Care.
Under our palliative care in aged care, we have Pain Relief, House Keeping, Daily Living, and Respite services.
We have a strong palliative care team who provides care and support for people with more complex symptoms.
If you are looking for the best palliative care in Australia, then Auspire Care is your perfect stop as we offer highly professional palliative care services that bring some happiness and comfort to patients, families, and dear ones.
Check our Palliative Care. Also, you can visit Auspire Care for further information.
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